Wednesday, December 17, 2008

So much diversity

Another Viper joins the family!

So much diversity in the world. Why can't we all get along? Its like my piano - ebony and ivory, sit together in perfect harmony, side by side on my piano keyboard, why can't we?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Viper attack!

Is this a metaphor for something?

The Viper does NOT like!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Its been a while. Perhaps you're thinking I've been busy deeply involved in Operation Viper? Or maybe I've been sailing Viper 640's? Or begging Chrysler to reconsider?

It could be I'm just slack.

Life is business as usual really. Some interesting blog topics out there. But continually struck by the negativity of so many. I often remain the 'Ghost in the machine' for fear of my comments sounding the same. How do you criticise the critics without sound critical?

Makes me wonder whether any of this is real enough to bother with.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Snakes in the Grass

The viper doesn't normally comment on blogs. Very occasionally with people he knows or when he gets really wound up or enthralled. He slithers around, watching, testing the temperature with his tongue. But occasionally he is moved to comment. One thing the viper notices is how much posing happens in the blog world. People throwing their ideologies around with less care than they likely would if they were talking face to face. The viper wonders how healthy this all is at times.

The viper likes a certain blog - well he did while it was reviewing churches in Auckland. The reviewer was sincere and fair. But in a surprise move, one pastor took issue with an aspect of the review. And replied. The blogger who seems to be of high integrity noted the challenge and provided a link to the actual text of the sermon. The viper however being the sad media junkie that he did had to track the story to its end. So he did something rare in the blog world: he checked its sources. And lo and behold: the pastor was right. All this to say the viper actually commented! This to make sure more adjusted people who don't spend hours reading blogs would get the benefits of the pastor's actual words. And even if no one ever comments here and why should they given the half-pie blog that it is, the viper is now a fully fledged poser himself.

And I think this is my longest post.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Getting used to this blogging thing

I thought I might be more regular as I am. Maybe my blog is a bit like a builder's house neglected because it feels too much like work? I have been reading a few blogs. There's a lot of words and some terrible writing out there.

I found this recently. Interesting and from a Christian point of view. A nice job overall with some very good reviews. I particularly liked this one. A haunting movie.

I should link to it.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Review of Sorts

So some newspaper has done a review of the greatest movie of all times. Its really a look at how the movie stands up to scrutiny post 9/11. Of couse the irony of a film set in an Islamic country with a name that translates "White House" should never be missed! Nor he brief appearances of the single arabic character (along with the single black character).

Its worth a read.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Amazing Series

The Amazing Extraordinary Friends are back on TV2. Its not the best TV you'll ever see, but its home grown and it has some great moments. Worth a look for young and old

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The 2008 model

This is one sweet veh-ic-le. 600 horsepower! 560lb/ft of torque! An 8.4L V10 engine! Now there's a gas-heavy dream for ya! Check out the site - I put a link up. You can paint it your own colour if thats your thing or check out all the specs.